TO DO: to be constructed
Step 1: search for the chemical of interest (see Search chemicals section)
Step 2: click Borrow button
Step 1: go to Borrowed chemicals
Step 2: click Return button
Step 1: scan your own barcode
Step 2: scan chemical barcode
Watch the terminal window to make sure the info is transmitted/recorded.
Action: scan borrowed chemical barcode
Note: you don’t need to scan the your own barcode beforehand. The scan on a borrowed chemical will return the chemical.
Note: if the chemical is free and nobody has logged in, scanning the barcode of that chemical will bring up that chemical’s info in the system.
Add Storage location if not exists: see this section
Step-by-step instruction here
This clip below is show the process of adding a new chemical from suppliers:
For custom chemicals or chemical that cannot be found from suppliers list, use Method below.
Click on ‘Go to molecule’ button to edit structure and structural info (MW, Formula, etc.)
To change the lab related (person responsible, amount, etc.) info, double click on any where around these info
Prepare the Excel file, an example might look similar as below. A few important things:
Columns that are highlight in blue are important info.
You don't need all of the info that show in this example.
Empty cells are OK.
The amount need to be “xx Y” with xx is the amount and Y is the unit.
For unit, it is best to have all in lower case, for example, “ML” should be either “ml” or “mL”. It is best to convert all unit to lower case (use lower() command in excel).
Double check the CAS number column, Open Enventory uses CAS number as primary source to look up chemical info from the internet.
See step 9 for more info about each column in the excel sheet.
Location column: remove all commas ( , ) if there is any. Dashes ( - ) are ok. Update (2020-02-01): for KV's version of OE, if you updated to version after 2020-02-01, this has been fixed.
2. Copy all of the cells in this file (Ctrl-C for Windows, Cmd-C for Mac) and paste (Ctrl-V for Windows, Cmd-V for Mac) them into Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac)
3. Save this new file as your-file-name.txt. The “.txt” part is important.
Alternatively, instead of step 2 or 3, you can do the following. (Note: in some cases with some chemicals names, Excel has shown to add quotation marks (“”) around the name when exporting to text file. That is the reason why step 2&3 above is preferred.
Save As… the file using Window Formatted Text (for Mac OS)
For Windows, Office 2016 of Office 365, use “Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt)” option:
4. Login into your database using root user or any users with admin permission
5. Go to Settings
6. Go to Import Tab-separated text file (or Import in KV's version)
7. Choose Browse… and choose the exported text file.
Note: in Lines to skip, put 1 if you have a header rows, if not, choose 0
8. Click green check mark
9. Screens as below should show up, you can scroll down to see if they show up correctly (info appear correctly in each row)
10. Choose Column X for each content. If you choose None, that column will not be imported. You can also add a default value for each column that will apply for ALL items being imported.
CAS number: most important info, OE will use this to look up other info (structures, MW, safety data, etc) from this cas #
Name: not too important
Empirical formula: do not import this since OE will use this to find the closest chemicals if CAS# is not present or wrong.
Amount: = size of the bottle + unit (format should be #+space+unit, for example: 5 g, 125 ml, 1 kg, etc)
Still available: the amount that left in the bottles (OK if not imported)
Locations: important. Note: Each location will have its own barcode
Compartments: = sub-location. Note: each compartment does NOT have its own barcode
Barcode: if you already have an existing barcode system, add it here.
Suppliers: = suppliers
Date open: could be in European style (dd.mm.yyyy) or American style (mm/dd/yy, etc.)
11. Click green check mark. Screen similar as below should show. Note: line X:… will tell you which lines in the text file is being imported.
12. Depend of how many chemical containers are imported, this might take a long time, so please be patient.
Computer that connected to the scanner must be ON Barcode terminal window must be ON and ACTIVE, if not log in with terminal username and pass or contact your local admin Active barcode terminal look like below:
Computer that connected to the scanner must be ON !!! Barcode terminal window must be ON and ACTIVE
Update (2020-02-01): for KV's version of OE, if you updated to version after 2020-02-01, steps 2 and 3 below are not necessary any more. KV's version OE (on and after 2020-02-01) now accepts Excel files (*.xlsx and *.xls), comma-separated files (csv) tab-separated files (*.txt). You can find the guide for newer version .
This function only available in KV's version.
TO DO: to be constructed
Make sure “Chemical Search” mode is on
Step 1: choose what type of search: e.g “names, cas, supplier #”
Step 2: choose options: e.g. all words, contain (~ similar to), exact
Step 3: type is your search query, this can be name, CAS, supplier #, best with CAS and name
Step 4: choose database(s): choose one, or several (holding Ctrl while Left-click, or All databases (default)
Step 5: click Search
Video demonstration:
Note: when Suppliers search mode is on (see add chemical via suppliers), Open Enventory search includes chemicals from the local database(s) first
The default drawing program in Sciformation Vectormol. You can choose a different program by going to: Settings/Settings/Molecule editing/
and change “Structure Drawing Program” to “ChemDoodle (Javascript)” (recommended).
Step 1: choose search with Structures
Step 2: draw structure
Step 3: choose options: contain, similar to, exact, etc.
Step 4: click search
If it appears that the search is not accurate in ChemDraw plugin, you have to active the ChemDraw plugin: a) Right click on the background of the chemdraw drawing window b) Help/Activate my ChemDraw Plugin c) Input your activation info the same (from email) as what you did for installation of Chemdraw