Edit Multiple Chemical Containers
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If your institution has this option turned on, you can edit a list of chemicals automatically.
To know if this option is turned on, please log into Open Enventory with an admin account, then choose Settings
(Top menu). Then if you see Import and Edit via Text File
(Left menu) then this function is turned on for your institution.
To turn on this function, please see this page:
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: choose Import and Edit via Text File
Step 3: on the Import page:
Choose package in the table field:
Click on Choose file button to choose your prepared file
Choose the number of Lines to preview
Choose number of lines to skip (header lines)
Step 4: click the green check mark to start uploading the file
Step 5: match the appropriate column for each info
Most importantly: match Barcode for chemical container with the correct column on your prepared file. This is how Open Enventory use as ID of the container.
For chemical containers, it checks if the barcode exists in the current database, and not disposed:
If Yes, it will edit the info of that container.
If No (or no barcode in the data entry), it will add the entry as a new container.
Match the rest of the info in the red rectangle area as desired:
Preview of the data:
Step 6: click the green check mark
A similar screen as screenshot below should appear after success uploading