Below is info for changes that are made for OE in KV's github:
Add: option for borrowing of chemicals by users from outside of the group (guests)
Details: The idea is each group should have one ‘user’ account designated for external users (users from outside of the group, guests). When someone outside of the group comes and borrows a chemical containers, this account barcode should be scanned and following by the container barcode. This specific account (made by turning on a specific permission setting External borrow
in Predefined permission
) is set so that during checking out of a chemical container by this account, a pop-up window would open and ask for the specific info (borrower’s name, group, contact info, and the group member assisting during checkout). This info is then saved into the history entry of that exact checkout event.
To use this function:
Create a new user, some thing like ‘guests_<database_name>’ for example.
While creating this user, choose the following ‘External borrow’ in the ‘Predefined permissions’
3. Use this new account in the OE barcode terminal. During checkout, a popup window like this should open to ask for more info:
Add: Select2 javascript library to give users a customizable select box with support for searching, filtering. This change is for Inventory mode.
Change: allow username to be up to 32 character
Add yyyy-mm-dd date format for import chemicals from Excel file
Change to import function to take user input name as the default name of the new molecule (if the molecule does not yet exist)
Merge with Felix v2020-07-27. Noticeable changes include:
date format localized, depending on language of user
added missing suppliers, Sigma and Oakwood fixed
minor fixes
added the option to import experiments from Read more about Sciflection
and to upload lab notebook entries including spectra - much better than just supporting info
optional: installation script, which will download and install the latest version on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (and possibly other Linux distributions) from
minor fixes
Add ability to sort by 'order_date' in 'chemical_storage' table
Add ChemDraw JS into drawing tools for both Inventory and ELN. To use it:
You need to obtain the ChemDrawJS license from ChemDraw support. You should be able to obtain Chemdraw JS license if your department/institution has site license for ChemOffice Professional, according to this.
After you obtain the ChemDraw JS license file, rename it to "ChemDraw-JS-License.xml" if neccessary and put that file into chemdraw
Turning on ChemDraw as your drawing tools by going into Settings > Personal settings > Molecule editing (for your own preference) or Settings > Global settings > Molecule editing (for your whole database setting) and change Structure drawing program and Structure drawing program for reactions.
Add function to extract currency when it is in front of the amount
Merge with Felix Rudolphi Official Release of OE-2020-05-03
Fix TCI scraping due to its new website
Fix: buttons size in Lab Notebook side
Fix: Ketcher window size in Inventory and ELN sides
Fix: bug preventing showing of "Print DYMO label" button (Reported by Gaël De Leener, PhD, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium. Thanks, Gaël!)
Fix "Reset" button in rxnSearch in ELN
Fix wrong Tooltip for some "Reset" buttons
Fix some English translation
Fix PHP7 Warning: count()
The following features are from Felix Rudolphi:
Fix: Ketcher 1.0 bug
Add: ChemDoodleWeb drawing 9.1.0 for both Inventory and ELN
Add: Ketcher 2.0 beta for both Inventory and ELN
Fix: typo cause PHP Warning "Illegal String offset"
Fix: error in "Import and Edit" chemical containers where it rejects containers without CAS and name even if barcode existed.
Fix for search by container barcode for customized barcode starts with '2'. Why: some users has reported in the case of customized chemical barcodes, for example '10001' or '11345' or '22069'. When searching using barcodes, all of those starts with '1' works fine but those starts with '2' don't return the correct result. This is because the automatically generated barcode by OE starts with '2' and in the code, all search query for barcode starts with '2' will be modified
Add "Import and Edit" and "Import Only" options in the Settings menu for admin roles.
"Import and Edit" option is similar to previous version of Import in which it allows admin users to import: chemical containers ("packages"), storages list, user list, and supplier offers. For chemical containers ("packages"), this function will check if the database has the chemicals based on provided barcode. If the barcode is not found, it will add new container. If the barcode is found, it will change the provided info for that container.
"Import Only": only allow importing of chemical containers AND it will NOT check for existing container.
Right now, this function will only turned on for MIT and Baylor University.
To add your own institution, you need:
Creating lib_customization.your-school-name.php
with your-school-name is short or abbreviation of your school name. Use
for an example
Add the following line inside lib_customization.your-school-name.php
after $default_g_settings["order_system"]="fundp";
Modify lib_global_settings.php
Change this: define("customization",""); // Customization to use: f.e.: ".sample" for use of "lib_customization.sample.php", and "" for "lib_customization.php"
To: define("customization",".your-school-name"); // Customization to use: f.e.: ".sample" for use of "lib_customization.sample.php", and "" for "lib_customization.php"
. Notice there is a period (.) in front of "your-school-name".
Modify sidenav.php
Right before this line: showSideLink(array("url" => "import_edit.php","text" => s("import_edit_tab_sep"), "target" => "mainpage", ));
. On this line: if (in_array($g_settings["customization"], array("baylor", "mit"), true)) {
add "your-school-name"
(the same as "your-school-name" set in lib_customization.your-school-name.php
) right at the end of the array list of institutions. For example:
Add support for importing/deleting from Excel files (both .xlsx and xls).
Add support for importing/deleting from csv (comma-separated text) files. Previously, only tab-separated text files are supported
Changed default criterion to "contains" instead of "is similar to" in Structure search
Made sidenav width resizeable for user that use Bootstrap4
Made sidenav width automatically expand in Structure search
Change format message in Terminal Mode to be more visible
Change 'User Guides' to direct to gitbook (
Storage barcode and person barcode columns in their respective setting pages
Option to shorten the criteria list in Simple search in Inventory
(developed for Baylor University)
Placeholder for input type date in edit mode with yyyy-mm-dd
Function to delete multiple containers via import text
User guides section
Added 'liters' and 'liter' to the list of recognizing units when importing text file
Updated ChemDoodle to ChemDoodleWeb Component v8.0.0
Upgraded Ketcher to v1.1-beta
Let the cursor default to be in 'Database' input field on login page,
fix for Firefox
Fixed bug where date are deleted in edit mode
Fixed Sigma-Aldrich cannot be accessed from A2 Hosting
Fixed changed location inside normal OE window does not record in History text
Added storage barcode for export functions
Added user barcode for export functions
Added show column for storage
Added show column for user
Fixed minor issue with "Disposed chemicals" list does not show correct view
Applied changes from official OE version 2019-07-24
Added date style to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss when display in OE so there is no confusion in date style
Added a new login page with mobile responsive
Modified sidenav, topnav to use Bootstrap4
Added option for admin user to turn Bootstrap 4 option on/off in global_settings
fixed bug in Terminal mode: barcodeTerminalAsync.php and lib_language_en.php
while doing inventory for a container (inventory mode or "Set storage for all following containers"), if you scan a non-existing barcode, the location will be removed. When a non-existent barcode is scanned, an error pop-up window appears.
modified History log text to add storage_name; also added History log text
when changing storage in edit mode (lib_db_manip.php, lib_db_manip_edit.php)
import.php, lib_import.php: added importing function for locations and users using tab-separated text file
lib_import.php: fix for importing chemical_storage_barcode bug.
When import tab-dilimited text file of chemical containers, if the barcode column is the last column, it will add white space or \n
character, making the barcodes inaccurate. The fix will trim all the white space \t\n
on the right side of the input column
topnav.php, style.css.php, lib_global_funcs.php, lib_sidenav_funcs.php sidenav.php: edited some fonts, styles
lib_language_en.php, sidenav.php, barcode_autogeneration.php:
Creating option for admin user to auto generate all location and user barcodes while using "Existing barcodes" functions
lib_db_manip.php: edit logging text to reflect chemical containers when
being moved from one location to another
multiple files: Fixed functions for php7 warning
Fixed "Set storage for all following containers" in Terminal
Added barcode Type 128 generation for user using existing barcode
import.php, lib_import.php: Fixed added order_date and open_date in Import tab-separated text file function