borrowing of chemicals by users from outside of the group (guests)
Currently, this function is only available in KV's version of OE 2020-09-26 or above.
The idea is each group should have one ‘user’ account designated for external users (users from outside of the group, guests). When someone outside of the group comes and borrows chemical containers, this account barcode should be scanned and following by the container barcode. This specific account (made by turning on a specific permission setting External borrow
in Predefined permission
) is set so that during checking out of a chemical container by this account, a pop-up window would open and ask for the specific info (borrower’s name, group, contact info, and the group member assisting during checkout). This info is then saved into the history entry of that exact checkout event.
Step 1: Create a new user, ‘guests_<database_name>’ for example.
While creating this user, choose the following ‘External borrow’ in the ‘Predefined permissions’
Step 2: Use this new account barcode in the OE barcode terminal. During checkout, a popup window like this should open to ask for more info:
The provided info will be appended to the history entry for that particular checking out event. Example:
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Users
Step 5: type in the new password and repeat
First, open up Open Enventory in any web browsers. Your screen should look as follows.
After logging in you should see the general window for searching chemicals.
Click on the “Settings” tab top and center of the page (outlined with a red box below).
This will change the left side bar. At the top of the left side bar you should see “Change password” Click here (the button is outlined with a red box below).
Your screen should have two boxes as shown below. Fill in both boxes press the “Change password” button right next to the text fields and your password has been changed.
Step 3: click on Details button ( ) on the same row of the user you need to change password
Step 4: click on Edit button () (or double click anywhere on the info window)
Step 6: Click on the green check mark:
WARNING: this step is not reversible!
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Users
Step 4: choose OK to confirm deletion
Step 3: click on Delete button ( ) on the same row of the user of interes
If you want to create multiple new users, please see:
Do NOT create a user with username starting with "auto". Any user with this kind of username will be deleted when linking databases.
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Users
Step 4: Add info such as username, password.
Username needs to be unique across the whole server, not just a single database.
Current password requirement is:
7 or more character
include at least 1 number
Step 5: add additional info such as name, locations
Step 6: Choose the appropriate permission
Choose one of the predefined permissions or "User defined" for customized permission
You should see the new user on the new screen if success:
Do NOT create a user with username starting with "auto". Any user with this kind of username will be deleted when linking databases.
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Import
Step 3: download the User template and fill out the sheet according to the instruction.
This is a copy of the Excel User Import template. It is better to download the template from Step 2 above
Step 4: on the Import page:
Choose user in the table field:
Click on Choose file button to choose your prepared excel user import file from step 3
Choose the number of Lines to preview
Choose number of lines to skip (header lines)
Step 5: click the green check mark to start uploading the file
Step 6: match the appropriate column for each info
Step 7: click the green check mark
A similar screen as screenshot below should appear after success uploading
Step 3: Click on the plus side button
Step 7: Click on the green check mark:
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Users
Step 5: change desired info or permission
Step 3: click on Details button ( ) on the same row of the user you need to change password
Step 4: click on Edit button () (or double click anywhere on the info window)
Step 6: Click on the green check mark:
Different than Deleting a user, this will not remove the user from the database. It only disable the user from logging into the database
You first need to log in into Open Enventory with an account with admin permission
Step 1: Choose Settings
Step 2: Choose Users
Step 5: check Account disabled
Step 3: click on Details button ( ) on the same row of the user of interest
Step 4: click on Edit button () (or double click anywhere on the info window)
Step 6: Click on the green check mark: