Find Missing SDS

This program is designed specifically for Open Enventory to fix issue with molecule missing sds (could not be extracted through "Read data from supplier") This programs does:


This programs does:

1. Connect into mysql database and find molecule in 'molecule' table of specific database and find those molecule with missing sds

2. Try to download sds files into a folder in /var/lib/mysql/missing_sds

3. Update those sql entries with new downloaded sds files


  • root access to the server hosting Open Enventory

  • Python 3+

  • This file is made for Linux environment, you should be able

    to used it on other OS with changing the location of the "download_path"


After cloning this repo onto the Open Enventory server:

  1. Change into directory of the new file:

    cd find_missing_sds-public
  2. (Optional): create virtual environment for python to install dependency:

    # you can change "find_missing_sds_venv" to another name too
    python3 -m venv find_missing_sds_venv   # Create virtual environment
    source find_missing_sds_venv/bin/activate    # Activate the virtual environment
  3. Install python dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Run the program:

    # Replace "find_missing_sds_v5" with latest version if neccessary
    python3 find_missing_sds_v5/
    • Answer questions for:

      • confirming running under root

      • mySQL root password (typing password will not be shown on screen)

      • the name of the database you want to update (twice to confirm)


Version 5:

  • Incorporated result from Fluorochem

  • Fixing bug with existing default_safety_sheet_url and default_safety_sheet_mime

    by setting them to NULL

Version 4:

  • Testing using by extracting catalog number from fluorochem

Version 3:

  • Refactor extracting url download into its own method

  • Add extracting url download from

Version 2:

  • Add asking if user is root and password

  • Add asking what database to be modified

  • Switch to extracting data from because Chemexper

    has limited requests

Last updated