CentOS 7
This guide is created for new unmanaged VPS from A2hosting.com
OS: CentOS 7
Ram: 1GB
Hard drive: 20 GB
Bandwidth: 2 TB
Login into A2 account, service to find the following info:
2. Connect to server using ssh. If you are on a Mac, use Terminal and type in the following command. If you are on a Window, you can use CMD (if CMD does not work, google “connecting to ssh on Window” to find the program
: xxxx: port number yy: username zz.zz.zz.zz: ip or hostname
Select “Yes” if asked to continue connecting
If there is a problem, follow this link: https://www.a2hosting.com/kb/getting-started-guide/accessing-your-account/using-ssh-secure-shell
3. To secure your ssh and your server, set up new user and deactivate root login via SSH by following steps 2, 3, and 5 in this tutorial:
Install sudo by:
4. Optional: Setting up time by following this link: https://www.tecmint.com/set-time-timezone-and-synchronize-time-using-timedatectl-command/
5. Following this link to set up LAMP stack:
In step 3, replace this part:
In step 4: choose PHP7.2
Follow this tutorial from steps 1-5, make sure instruction for specific steps as indicated above
6. Install the following packages to prepare for Open enventory
7. Create a “download” folder; download OE (get the exact link from website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/enventory/files/?source=navbar ); unzip OE and copy to the right location:
8. Go to http://xx.xx.xx.xx/oe
With xx.xx.xx.xx: is the server’s ip address
9. The OE website should load like screenshot below
Database: choose the desired database’s name
Username: root
Password: use the mariadb password that was set up in step 5 of this tutorial
10. If successful, this page will load:
11. Modify .htaccess file
Modify the content of the file as in this screenshot. Important: these setting is for the server with configuration as indicated in the top of this tutorial
Save the file (hit Esc, type “:wq” and then Enter) and restart httpd service
12. Modify mysqld config:
Right after [mysqld]
, add:
Save the file (hit Esc, type “:wq” and then Enter) and restart httpd and mariadb services
You are done with the initial set up here. Open enventory is ready to be used at this time.
Last updated