
Step 1: Install this XAMPP from

Step 2: Copy/extract Open Enventory files into C://XAMPP/htdocs/ . Write down the folder name because this will be the web address. In this case the folder is named ‘enventory’

Step 3: Start XAMPP and start Apache and MySQL


Step 4: setting up root password for MySQL. This changes with XAMPP version so consult this FAQ for specific details.

Step 5: Change php.ini content by clicking on Config button on the same row with Apache on XAMPP panel to match the following:

  • error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED (otherwise some warnings being displayed will break the functionality)

  • safe_mode=Off

  • magic_quotes_gpc=Off

  • upload_max_filesize=64M # (or higher)

  • post_max_size=64M # (or higher)

If still warnings appear in the generated HTML code (breaking open enventory), you should set:

  • display_errors=Off # (especially on PHP 7+)

Step 6: Change my.cnf (or my.ini) content by clicking on Config button on the same row with MySQL on XAMPP panel to match the following under [mysqld] section:

max_allowed_packet = 64M # (or higher)

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 1024M # to about 50% of the available memory
innodb_log_file_size = 128M # to about 10% of the available memory

Step 7: Restart both Apache and MySQL service by clicking on Stop and then Start for each service.

Step 8: Open this link in your web browser: http://localhost/enventory/ and log in with the following info:

  • "Database": <database-name> "database-name" can be whatever you choose but should not have blank space and unique; I suggest short name is better as well.

  • "Username": root (It has to be the exact word "root" for this set up first)

  • "Password": the root password that we set in the step above

  • Then click on "Inventory".

Step 9: If successful, it will bring up something similar to this page:

Example of display page after first successful login

If you are locked from login due to incorrect entries of username and password (for 30 min), find the file named “openenv.log” which you can find in a similar path given below: C:\Users\sr\AppData\Local\Temp\ openenv.log

Open the file with any text editor program (Notepad), delete the content, save and restart XAMP and then try to access Open Enventory again (http://localhost/enventory/)

Last updated

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