Search Chemicals

Searching Chemicals in Existing Database(s)

Make sure “Chemical Search” mode is on

Step 1: choose what type of search: e.g “names, cas, supplier #”

Step 2: choose options: e.g. all words, contain (~ similar to), exact

Step 3: type is your search query, this can be name, CAS, supplier #, best with CAS and name

Step 4: choose database(s): choose one, or several (holding Ctrl while Left-click, or All databases (default)

Step 5: click Search

Video demonstration:

Searching Chemicals in Supplier Mode

Note: when Suppliers search mode is on (see add chemical via suppliers), Open Enventory search includes chemicals from the local database(s) first

Search Chemicals using Structure

The default drawing program in Sciformation Vectormol. You can choose a different program by going to: Settings/Settings/Molecule editing/ and change “Structure Drawing Program” to “ChemDoodle (Javascript)” (recommended).

Step 1: choose search with Structures

Step 2: draw structure

Step 3: choose options: contain, similar to, exact, etc.

Last updated